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Rapid Detection of UTI in Cats and Dogs

RapidBac™ Vet is an immunoassay test for the detection of bacteria in urine at the point-of-care.

RapidBac™ Vet can detect Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in less than 20 minutes by utilising a cocktail of monoclonal antibodies targeting a panel of bacterial surface proteins, reducing the time and cost of UTI detection when compared to urine culture.

  • Quickly confirm the presence or absence of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, allowing swift treatment with appropriate antibiotics.

  • Test the patient on the spot without the need for a return visit, improving client satisfaction.

  • A fraction of the cost of urine culture or laboratory equipment, saving time and money.

  • Free catch samples can be used due to direct, non-culture based detection.


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RapidBac™ Vet has been independently proven for both dogs and cats against urine culture:​


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